


Saturday 01.02.2020 8pm


Bhakti - the nectar of devotion


Dear Bhakti friends

We hope you have all enjoyed a beautiful Christmas and have had a good and peaceful start to the New Year.

To celebrate this year we have decided to host a Bhakti evening in a Yoga room in the heart of Richterswil. The format will be slightly different than before but it will be open to everyone and gives us all a chance to sing our hearts out, to learn new mantras/bhajans and to learn old ones with a new twist.

Please invite all friends or family who might also be interested. No prior knowledge or experience is necessary.


Cost: CHF 20


TAKT Yogaraum 

Kafi & Bioladä

Schützengass 11

8805 Richterswil


Bhakti - nectar of devotion Flyer